15-16/12/2018 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Bill Raffle, Nicci Riley
Pleasant open section of the Pass 11(a) creek
Drinks break above the creek junction - unfortunately no way down!
Nicci and Bill scrambling to get back to the creek
Another nice section of creek
Scrambling in the creek - after recent rain, everything was treacherously slippery
It has been hot and humid, so a relief to make it to the Colo River
Setting off down the river - Nicci, Rachel and Bill
Bill catches his first bass
Bill doing another spot of fishing
Bill demonstrating that he can ride the rapid and fish at the same time!
Rachel on one of the rapids
Bill on the rapid...
..giving it the thumbs up!
Mid afternoon storm rolls in, and we get a downpour for a short while
After the storm - terrorist and steam?!
Nicci on one of the rapids
Approaching the Canoe Creek junction
Happy hour at the campsite
Bill knows how to dress to best attract the fish!
Some of the party around the non-existent fire - Nicci, Vivien, Emmanuelle, J, Andrew, Tom
Rachel at the lookout on the way out the next day