07/07/2018 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith, Toni Bachvarova
Rachel at the Hermit of Hat Hill's Hut (try saying that 10 times fast!)
Rachel at a lookout near Clarke Head
Govett Gorge
Looking out over Clarke Head
Toni sliding into Surveyors Gully
Rachel and Toni in rainforest lower in the gully
Beautiful rainforest
Toni and Smiffy in an overhang along the cliffline
Smiffy on the first bit of the pass
Rachel on the far side of the hairy bit of Orang Utan Pass - a 50cm wide loose ledge of sloping shale perched above a large drop
Toni just past the hairy bit, though even the bit she's on looks rather hairy!
Relief after completing the hairy bit
Rachel filling in the log book
Rachel further along the now much wider ledge
Smiffy on the ledge
After a steep gully and a bit of route finding, we are almost through the pass
Open easy walking down a pleasant ridge (after a couple of lawyer vine infested sections)
Toni, Smiffy and Rachel at the Blue Gum Forest
Icy winds hitting us on the walk back along the road - thankfully Toni has run back to get the car