16-23/07/2017 - photos

Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, David Rostron, Peter Love, Grace Love, Mary Liu, Patsy Quealy, Julie-Anne Murphy, Kim Bailey, Alex Alperovich, Robert Betos

Day 5

Grace on ledges

Julie-Anne swinging easily across on the trees...

...while Rachel struggles :)

Rachel and Patsy continue up the gorge, trying to keep dry feet



Rachel edging around another narrow ledge


We find another party looking at this rock art under a ledge

Rachel checks out another overhang for art

Rainbow Serpent

Late in the day, heading down a tributary of Koolpin Creek

Still going towards an unknown camp

Looking down the large falls at the first decent pool we have seen for a while

Patsy at the top of the escarpment

Pool and dry falls

Filling up water ... before we go swimming!

Waterfront mansions!

Late afternoon clouds


Day 6

Downstream we meet up with Koolpin Creek for morning tea

Koolpin Creek

Camp on rocky slabs

The crew - Tom, Robert, Alex, Peter, Grace, Kim, Julie-Anne, Mary, Patsy, Rachel

Cascades at camp

Cascades and camp!

Reflections and stars

Day 7

Cascades at dawn

Saddling up and shipping out

Rock art


Looking down on Koolpin Creek gorge

Koolpin Creek gorge (Jarrangbarnmi)

Swimming through Koolpin Gorge

Rock art


Some take the high road...

Patsy takes the low road

Rachel swimming

Nearing the end of the gorge - a large fall

Pool and falls

Sidling above the pool

Looking down the gorge, and out over the plain

Alex showing his entry technique



The end of the gorge

Final night's camp

Day 8

Crossing open country away from the creek

Peter proving he still has good balance...

but most of the party decide to cross on the rocks!

Waiting for our pickup (back) Julie-Anne, Alex, Patsy, Grace, Rachel, Kim (front) Robert, Mary, Peter, Tom