06-07/05/2017 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Paul Barton, Melinda Turner, Jo Daly, Frank Tamas
Enjoying the views from the cliffline near Rowland Hill
Views from near Rowland Hill
Melinda descending the side gully
Paul and Frank checking out a waterfall
Rachel and Jo under the cliffline
Following the cliffline - excellent overhangs
Melinda climbing a pass out of the next gully
Paul and Rachel at the top of the pass
Frank and Jo checking out the drop
Rachel at camp
Looking down Bundanoon Creek
Bundanoon Creek and cliffs
Rachel on the cliffs above Tallowa Gorge
Enjoying the fire
Dawn, looking up Bundanoon Creek
Looking down Bundanoon Creek
Frank warming up in the sun
Heading off across the tops
Tom (photo Frank)
Enjoying the views over Tallowa Gorge - Rachel, Frank, Melinda, Jo, Paul
Jo descending back into the creek we climbed out of the day before
Frank getting down into the creek via a short drop
Paul overlooking Lake Yarrunga
Jo relaxing
Rachel above the Shoalhaven arm of Lake Yarrunga
Looking up the Shoalhaven