30-31/12/2015 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Caro Ryan, Bill Raffle, John Flint, Margaret Baz
On Back Perisher Mountain, looking across to Mt Perisher - Bill, Margaret, John, Caro
Wildflowers - Burr Daisy (Calotis sp) and Yellow Kunzea (Kunzea muelleri)
Rachel on Mt Perisher
Looking across to the Main Range, the large cirque below Mt Clarke clearly visible in the middle of the picture
Rachel scrambling down through boulders
Bill, Margaret and John rock hopping
Crossing the saddle to The Paralyser
On top of the first high point on The Paralyser ridge
Rock slabs descending off the high point
Fields of flowers
Bill, Margaret - and Billy Buttons!
Rachel - on the summit?!
Clouds and granite boulders
John descending through scrub
Rachel faints after knocking her knee sharply ... and the first aid tent swings into action!
Caro ministering
Climbing up to the trig at the end of The Paralyser ridge - Caro, Rachel, Margaret, Bill, John
John and Margaret crossing Spencers Creek - and Bill doing a spot of fishing
Caro relaxing - and the mummy in the white sheet is el Presidente John!
Rachel in thick scrub heading up Trapyard Creek
Lovely campsite in Snow Gums below the top of the ridge
Campsite nestled in below the ridgetop
Wildflower (Pimelea?)
Bill scrambling out of camp
Looking back down into the Trapyard Creek valley
Candle Heath (Richea continentis)
The party climbing the ridge up to Perisher Top Station
Caro checking out the Top Station ruins
Mountain eyebright (Euphrasia collina)
Bill and Caro climbing up to Mt Stillwell
The party on Mt Stillwell - Tom, Rachel, Margaret, Caro, Bill, John - but why the white flag of surrender?!
Main Range from Mt Stillwell