28/12/2015 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Caro Ryan, Vivien de Remy de Courcelles, Bill Raffle, John Flint, Margaret Baz, Virginia Waller, Diana Porta, Jamie Foti, Melanie Freer
Caro also has a blog post from this walk
Setting off from Guthega Pondage
Heading up the ridge toward Guthega Trig
Rachel and Vivien
Virginia in a bouldery section on the ridge
Bill and Margaret scrambling
Heading for Consett Stephen Pass
Wildflowers (Mountain Eyebright?) in Consett Stephen Pass
Morning tea, looking back down to Guthega Pondage
Climbing up towards Mt Tate
Alpine Sunrays (Leucochrysum alpinum) below Mt Tate
Burnt slopes
On top of the world (well, Mt Tate)
Main Range panorama
Ridges of colour
Looking back to Mt Tate
Vivien, Rachel, Caro and Bill
The Twynam crew (Rachel, Vivien, John, Margaret, Bill) plus Michele Kohout on the summit of Mt Twynam
Descent to the saddle between Mt Twynam and Little Twynam
Rachel scrambling up to Little Twynam
Caro enjoying the views from Little Twynam
Heading down off Little Twynam
Wildflowers on the slopes
Caro relaxing in the heather
Snow Daisies (Celmisia sp)
Nearing the Illawong bridge
Rachel at the bridge
Shadow crossing
Snowy River
Little Twynam and Mt Twynam