25/10/2015 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
This was a trip to pick up rubbish on Mt Solitary. Warning - a few of the pictures are quite unpleasant
Rachel scrambling up Korrowall Knife-Edge
Rachel climbing up the slot
Looking back at the Ruined Castle and Castle Head
We opt to take the western route around the base of the ridge
Lookout over Cedar Creek
Rachel ready to start collecting rubbish at Chinamans Gully
Toilet paper littered around Chinamans Gully
Another trove of toilet paper - people clearly don't understand how to go to the loo in the bush
Views over Lake Burragorang from the lookout to the south of Mt Solitary
Someone had abandoned a chair and tent on the top of Mt Solitary - we had to leave them as we didn't have enough room to carry everything out.
Back on the Knife-Edge
Rachel scrambling
Descending the ridge
This cheerful fellow (King Parrot) was playing around at the turnoff to the Ruined Castle
Magnificent eucalypt
Our six bags of rubbish