17-18/05/2014 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Tom climbing on to The Boot
Oh what a feeling!
Rachel on the cliff edge
First views of Pantoneys Crown
Looking back to the Point Cameron cliffline
Rocky ribs and pagodas on the way out to Baal Bone Point
Pantoneys from Baal Bone Point
The pass off Baal Bone Point
Rachel climbing up the bottom of the pass at the southern end of Pantoneys
Higher up the pass
Rachel climbing the exposed bit
Looking down the pass, all the way back to Baal Bone Point
Ridges of green
The "easy" route up the last section of the pass
Idyllic camp spot, with easy access to views in both directions
The Wolgan-Capertee Divide in the late afternoon
A rare sundog to the left of the sun
Happy hour!
Pagoda at dawn
Sunrise looking along the cliffs
Early start, as we have a potentially long day ahead
Pantoneys cliffs
Great views from the clifftop walking
Rachel at the summit cairn
Capertee Valley
Point Cameron, with the usual pass to the right of the point, and our pass to the left
Mt Gundangaroo and the Capertee Valley
Rachel in the squeezy pass off the northern end
Rachel lower down on the pass
Below the cliffs
The last steep bit to the Crown Creek valley, strangely more reminiscent of Kanangra than the northern Bluies
Easy open walking on the ridge up to Point Cameron
A bit steeper but still nice and open
Coming up right under the nose of Point Cameron
Rachel near the top of our unlikely looking pass
Happy we've made it!
Rachel on Nipple Knob
On the pagodas between Point Cameron and the Pondage
Looking back at Pantoneys
Rachel and the Point Cameron cliffline