20/07/2013 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Liz Edye, Chris Stephens
Liz and Rachel crossing the freezing Shoalhaven
Somehow Rachel has lost her pants!
Valley views on the way up to the Big Hole
Rachel above the Big Hole
Rachel and Liz
The Big Hole, about 60m deep to the ferns from the low side
Crossing a swampy creek
Open sub-alpine forest
Rachel in Reedy Creek Canyon
Rachel and Liz
Looking down a potential wet feet section
Still looking!
The rock is limestone/marble so what would be an easy bridge in a sandstone canyon is not quite so easy!
Rachel and Liz
No way through without wet feet (at least!)
Liz and Rachel - twins?!
Heading back up
The tricky bit
Rock arch
Rachel heading into the Marble Arch
Liz and Rachel exiting the Marble Arch
The ceiling of the arch
Deua views
Liz wading back across the Shoalhaven