13-14/07/2013 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Simon Hager, Frances Bottrell, Alan Osland, Roy Jamieson, Bruce Farmer
Dawn over the Megalong
The end of Tinpot Mountain and Goolara Peak, our first destination
Aboriginal grinding grooves
Descending off Tinpot Mountain, with Black Glen Spur, our next destination, in the background
Coxs River from Tinpot Mountain
Rachel descending off Goolara Peak
Rachel and Simon on Goolara Peak
Frances, Bruce and Alan descending
Safely down at the Coxs River for morning tea
Roy and Frances crossing the freezing Coxs River
From Black Glen Spur, looking back at Goolara Peak and Goolara Gully
Waterfall in Black Creek
Coxs River and Goolara Gully
Cliffs of Black Glen Spur
Frances and Bruce climbing Black Glen Spur
Bruce and Rachel on the fire trail on Cronje Mountain
Burnt Black Boys (Xanthorrhoea sp)
Descending Wild Stallion Spur
Our campsite on Mumbedah Creek
Mumbedah Creek splits just above the junction with the Jenolan River
Mumbedah Creek
Bruce and his repaired boots
Rachel and Simon at the foot of Mt O'Reilly
Start of the climb of Mt O'Reilly
Frances and Bruce on the climb
Roy on the steep section of the ridge
On the ridge
On Mt O'Reilly - Bruce, Simon, Alan, Roy, Tom and Rachel (photo Frances)
Lovely walking along the Krungle Bungle Range
Wattle out in flower
The Jenolan River valley from the Krungle Bungles
Descent off Scrubbers Saddle
Rachel crossing the Coxs
Frances gets a bit deeper
Rachel on Ironmonger Hill
Megalong afternoon
Wild Dogs - Mt Debert, Mt Mouin, Mt Warrigal
The "pots" on Ironpot Mountain
Frances and Bruce descending off Ironpot Mountain