10-11/11/2012 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Rachel in the cave at McLeans Pass
The overhang from the other side
Crown Creek Valley views
Pantoneys Crown from below Mt Jamison
Rachel descending into the chasm between Mt Jamison and Mt Davidson
Tom in the canyon not far from Point Cameron
Tom in the canyon
Canyon formation
Cliffs and pagodas near our camp
The Pondage - our campsite
Rachel and Tom at happy hour
Wolgan-Capertee Divide to Baal Bone Gap
Moody afternoon looking across to Baal Bone Point
Baal Bone Point
Dawn looking to Baal Bone Point
Dawn with Pantoneys Crown off to the right
Sunrise hits Pantoneys
Tom and Rachel at breakfast
Rachel climbing one of the impressive pagodas nearby
Pantoneys panorama
Rachel on the slopes of the pagoda
Rachel descending one of the pagodas
Rachel at Point Cameron
Tom at Point Cameron
Rachel descending a pagoda
The Exploded Pagoda
The Exploded Pagoda
Rachel climbing out of the chasm
Cliffs and domes
Pantoneys Crown
Rachel near McLeans Pass
Looking over McLeans Pass
Looking across Cape Horn to Donkey Mountain and the Wolgan Valley
Pagoda Daisy (Leucochrysum graminifolium)
Ants on Leptospermum
Common Fringe Myrtle (Calytrix tetragona) - this is after the petals fall off
Leptospermum sp