10/10/2010 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Vivien de Remy de Courcelles, Andreas Ojong, Shahram Landarani, Saeid
Isopogon sp.
Wild flower
Wild flower
Boronia sp.
Stylidium sp
Andy, Vivien, Shahram and Saeid at morning tea
What? A cairn?! Get rid of it! (It was a very odd place for a cairn)
Andy crossing Bundanoon Creek
Andy, Saeid and Vivien on the side of the Doyles Gap Pinnacle
Tom, Vivien, Saeid and Shahram on top of Doyles Gap Pinnacle
On the pinnacle
View from the pinnacle up Bundanoon Creek
Andy, Shahram and Saeid
Streaked rock orchid (Dockrillia striolata)
Andy descending off the pinnacle
Saeid descending off the pinnacle
Streaked rock orchids (Dockrillia striolata)
Andy and Vivien rockhopping down Bundanoon Creek
Shahram and Saeid scrambling in Bundanoon Creek
Andy, Vivien, Shahram and Saeid
Andy, Vivien and Saeid
Waterfall in Coal Creek
Saeid and Shahram scrambling in Coal Creek
More boulders?! Shahram, Saeid and Vivien survey the way ahead
Saeid in Coal Creek
Doyles Gap Pinnacle from across the valley