28/08/2010 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Brennan
Rachel also has photos from this walk.
Rachel crossing the Yadboro River ... carefully
Rachel on the eroded track
Mt Owen
OK, a badly posed photo. It was supposed to look like Rachel was being squished...
Rachel scrambling on the west side of the Castle
Rachel in the Tunnel
On top of the tail of the Castle
Scrambling slot on top of the Castle
Rachel on the lower of the exposed scrambles. I think I got told to "Hurry up"...
... followed by the upper one - I didn't even bother asking her to look!
On the summit - views of Mt Owen and Mt Nibelung
Byangee Walls and Pigeon House Mountain
Talaterang Mountain
Rachel and Tom
The summit plateau, with Pigeon House Mountain in the background
Byangee Walls and Pigeon House Mountain
Rachel on the conglomerate cliffs of the western side of the Castle
HEEELLLLP!! Need that chain to hang on to!
Someone stuffed up the signwriting!
But at least they got a second chance!
Was it that rock that moves?!
At the Long Gully camp site, Rachel posing for a Subaru ad