14/02/2010 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Brennan, Ian Thorpe, Michael Keats, Jodie Dixon, Melinda Turner, David Trinder, Sue Bucknell
Michael in a pool
Ian photographing
In the upper section of canyon - Rachel, David, Jodie, Melinda, Sue
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Large overhang
Ian photographing Jodie
Boo! Michael emerges from the fernery
Rachel, Jodie, Sue and Michael in the creek
Jodie scrambling
Climbing down the point to bypass a waterfall
Rachel in the lower section of canyon
Canyon formation
Waterfall in the canyon
Michael at the waterfall
David, Jodie and Melinda in the canyon
Sue at the waterfall
Exiting the canyon, the paparazzi wait
Ian and Rachel in another section of canyon
Why does Ian have so many fingers?
The party in the canyon
The creek starts to open out a bit
Scrambling down the still attractive creek
Creek walking
David scrambling out
Ian and Michael on a pagoda
Rachel, David and Sue on a pagoda
Wet views
Small chasm
Melinda jumps the chasm
The snaparrazi - but where is Rachel's camera?
Ironstone formation
Pagodas, and our lunch cave underneath
Another small canyon
Melinda and Michael
Scrambling into the canyon
The canyon has a fair drop, which we don't descend
The party at afternoon tea - Rachel, Michael, Ian, Jodie, Sue
Pagoda scrambling
There's always a couple that want to go their own way