06/12/2009 - photos

Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Brennan, Gill Fowler, Liz Edye, Chris Stephens

Pulpit Rock

Horseshoe Falls

Wildflower (sp?)

Black Wattle (Callicoma serratifolia)

Chris, Liz and Gill

Rachel, Mike, Jenny, Chris, Liz and Gill in the cave at Pulpit Rock Lookout

Liz at the lookout

Carne Wall and Griffith Taylor Wall


Govetts and Greaves Creek

Hybanthus monopetalus

Mitrasacme sp (polymorpha?)

Wildflower (sp?)

Liz, Gill and Rachel on the track

Isopogon head

Mountain Devil (Lambertia formosa)

Mountain Devil (Lambertia formosa)

Dampiera stricta

Mitrasacme sp (polymorpha?)

Patersonia sp (sericea?)

Nodding Blue Lily (Stypandra glauca)

Xyris ustulata

Bladderwort (Utricularia dichotoma?)

Olearea sp?

Trigger Plant (Stylidium graminifolium)

Horseshoe Falls

Snake (sp?)

Grose Valley

The party - Tom, Rachel, Gill, Liz and Chris

Valley views