08/08/2009 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, James Yorston, Rachel Grindlay
Rachel and James on Radiata Plateau on the way down to the creek
Rachel at the top of the spikes on Blacks Ladder
Rachel climbing the spikes
James at a short scramble
Rachel at the scramble with an old ladder - but I don't think you want to climb this one
Waterfall below Blacks Ladder
James and Rachel on the shale ledge
James and Rachel in a slot
Rachel and James on the shale ledge
James at the bottom of a small scramble
Rachel at the top of the scramble
Hmm ... which way to go?
Valley views
Rachel on a narrow bit of ledge
Across the awkward bit
The ledge runs out here
Megalong Head, the detached block clearly visible. Ben Esgate Pass starts in the gap
The end of the ledge
Rachel on the ledge traverse of Esgate Pass
Tom climbing up at the chains
Tom higher up
James on the ledge
Rachel on the chains
James climbing up
James looks down - big exposure!
The top of the chains
Tom at a lookout
Rachel and James at lunch
James at the trig
James looking across to Narrow Neck