16/01/2009 - photos

Participants: Tom Brennan, John Cooper, Rogo Owens, Bernard Baylis, John Kennett, Tony Hickson, Jacqui Hickson, Melissa Newman, Chris Dowling, Peter Blackband, John Booth, Lynne Outhred, Bev Barnett, Kathryn Evans

The party looking across to the Bungleboori

Tony on a pagoda

Melissa, Lynne and Tony on pagodas

Tony, Bev and John looking out over the pagodas

The party above Dumbano Creek

The party on the ridge above Dumbano Creek

Ironstone rib

Canyon formation in a side canyon

Jacqui in the side canyon


Powerful owl

Canyon formation

Canyon formation

Canyon formation

Canyon formation

Canyon formation

Canyon formation

Bernard and Rogo in the canyon

Canyon formation

Canyon formation

Canyon formation

Cliffs in Dumbano Creek

Red ridge

Where to from here?