06-07/12/2008 - photos

Participants: Tom Brennan, Brian Corlis, Dave Hufton, John Faryna, John Kennett, Mike Cook, Melanie Low

The party on Hollow Rock - John K, Mike, Melanie, John F, Dave

Mike and Brian at the lookout near Pass 6

Mike and Brian at the lookout near Pass 6

Interesting hole in the ledge opposite the pass

Boulder scrambling in the creek

Brian scrambling in the creek


Boulder scrambling in the creek

Brian looking down a short drop in the creek

Boulder scrambling in the creek

Passing packs near the bottom of the pass

Brian, John F, Melanie and John K on ledges just above the Colo River

The Colo at the bottom of Pass 6

Dave handlining a short drop

Melanie descending a short drop

Dave, Brian, John F at the bottom of the pass

John K

Crossing the river

Mike and Brian crossing

River walking

Pass 6

On the beach opposite the pass

Heading upstream

John F


The bottom of Pass 5

The Colo and Wollemi Creek from above the Wollemi-Colo junction

Wollemi-Colo junction

Rocky bluffs near the bend on Wollemi Creek

Wollemi Creek

Crossing a marshy section near Wollemi Creek

Wollemi Creek

Wollemi Creek

Climbing Pass 1

Brian at the top of Pass 1

Melanie at Crawfords Lookout


Wild flower

Peeling bark




Wild flower (Purple Fan Flower?, Scaveola ramoisissima)