24/10/2008 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Michael Keats, Brian Fox, Geoff Fox, Stephen Murray, Kent Dwyer
Michael and Geoff crossing the rocky tops
Kent at morning tea
Brian on a pagoda above Heart Attack Brook
Michael at Rocky Creek
Brian at lunch at Rocky Creek
The party - Kent, Stephen, Geoff, Michael and Brian
Kent climbing up our pass
Michael and Kent on a ledge on the pass
Geoff on a ledge on our pass
Stephen and Michael on a narrow ledge
Views of Rocky Creek cliffs
Geoff at a lookout on the pass
An impressive pinnacle across Rocky Creek
Geoff checking out the views
Stephen at a lookout
Comesperma ericinum ??
As above
Michael, Brian, Kent and Geoff on a small pagoda
Lomandra sp ??
Brian in an impressive overhang
Ozothamnus sp ??
Geoff near the top of the pass
Dillwynia ??
The party at an afternoon tea stop
Nodding Blue Lily (Stypandra glauca) ?
Leptospermum sp?
Gonpholobium sp??
Waratah detail