05-06/08/2006 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Rachel on a wet Coastal Track
Coastal views
Water pouring down the ledges
Lovely chalky sandstone
Tom crossing the Big Marley lagoon entrance
Rachel near Big Marley lagoon
Rachel on the beach at Big Marley
Sandstone colours
Tom with his cheap rain protection
Rachel with her less cheap rain protection
Rachel crossing the creek at Wattamolla
Wattamolla Falls
Interesting chasm
Gymea lily
Spray from Curracurrong, with Curra Brook in the background
Eagle Rock
Garie Beach
Rachel on Garie Beach
A dead (but alive looking) puffer? fish
View up the coast from Thelma Ridge
Rachel descending to North Era
A nocturnal visitor
At camp in the morning
Eroded track
Werrong Beach
Tom at the end of the walk (almost)