21-28/02/2005 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Stalactites in the Mole Creek Caves
Little Horn and Cradle Mountain tower over Dove Lake
The boat shed in front of Cradle Mountain
Rachel and Tom with Cradle Mountain as the backdrop
In front of Dove Lake
Dove Lake from the slopes of Cradle Mountain
Dolerite columns on the side of Cradle Mountain
Sunset over Cradle Mountain and Mt Campbell
Cradle Mountain from Waterfall Valley Hut
Lake Will and Barn Bluff
Mt Oakleigh from the Pine Forest Moors
Barn Bluff, Cradle Mountain and Mt Campbell from the Pine Forest Moors
Descending to Frog Flats
Rachel and Tom at Frog Flats with Paddy's Nut in the background
Paddy's Nut
Mt Oakleigh across the Pelion Plains
Rachel at the bridge on Douglas Creek below Old Pelion Hut
Old Pelion Hut
Rachel on the slopes of Mt Doris, with Mt Ossa behind
Rachel on the summit of Mt Ossa, looking south
Tom on the summit of Mt Ossa with Mt Pelion East in the background
Panoramic view from the summit of Mt Ossa
Descending Mt Ossa
Looking up at Mt Ossa from the saddle between Mt Doris
Mt Pelion East
One of the many "stags"
Mt Ossa and Mt Doris
One of the many wallabies
Du Cane's Hut
D'Alton Falls
D'Alton Falls
Fergusson Falls
The canyon below Fergusson Falls
Hartnett Falls
Rachel protecting the stove at Pine Valley
Rachel liked the Pencil Pines
Cyane Lake in the Labyrinth
Mt Geryon and the Acropolis
Lake Elysia in the Labyrinth
Snow gum
Rachel, with Mt Gould and the Minotaur
Rachel was a bit cold at Pine Valley!
Our campsite at Pine Valley
Tom on one of the suspension bridges on Cephissus Creek
The launch on Lake St Clair, below Mt Olympus
Everyone trying to get on the launch - except Rachel!
North end of Lake St Clair, with Mt Olympus behind
Lake St Clair from the visitors centre
Tall tree
Lake St Clair from Fergy's Paddock
Lake St Clair at sunset
Lake St Clair at sunset
Lake St Clair at sunrise
The Lodge on Elizabeth, our accommodation for the last night