02/02-31/01/2005 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Andrew Glover
The Fakulti team victorious at the Melbourne National League tournament
A lone telegraph pole stark against the sky
Rodondo Island surrounded by morning cloud
Andrew on the rocks at South Point
Tom at South Point (almost)
Drift wood
Andrew scrambling at South Point
Rodondo Island, South Point, Wattle Island and Anser Island
The lighthouse from high on the track
The lighthouse from near South-East Point
Skull Rocks
The lighthouse
Wilsons Prom, with Mt Boulder featuring prominently, from the lighthouse
Waterloo Bay from the slopes of Mt Boulder
Waterloo Beach
Andrew on Waterloo Beach
Waterloo Beach from the north end
Interesting granite boulder in the water of Waterloo Bay
Tom and Andrew at camp at Little Waterloo Bay
Andrew on the flats behind Waterloo Bay
Tom leaving Waterloo Beach
Andrew on a boardwalk over Freshwater Creek
Mussolini Rocks