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A monthly Bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushwalkers, C/- Ingersoll Hall, 256 Crown St., Sydney.

No. 182 JANUARY, 1950 Price 6d.

Editor Alex Colley, 55 Kirribilli Ave., Milson's Point
Production Asst Bill Gillam
Sales and Subs Helen Brook
Production and Business Manager Brian Harvey
Typed Jean Harvey


Editorial - Conservation Publicity 1
At Our December Meeting 3
Bivouac, by K.F. 5
Newnes, Glen Davis, Mt Uraterer to Capertee and Glen Alice, by “Cerberusu 6
Now What Are You Really Looking For? by A.L. Wyborn 10
Ode to the Comissioner for Railways, by W.G. 13

Editorial - Conservation Publicity

Two publications on bushland conservation have been printed lately. One of these, the 1949 issue of the Journal of the Wild Life Preservation Society,is, in effect, a summary of the Society's past and present activities. The sect1on on sanctuaries and national reserves covers ground familiar to those who take an interest in S.B.W. affairs. But many members gain only a disjointed knowledge of sone of the Club's conservation projects at meetings, and we can recommend a reading of the Society's Journal as a means of learning the complete story. The National Park has always been in the forefront of the Society's interests. Once again there is a disturbing account of encroachments on the rarkland for cricket pitches, gravel pits, sewerage dumps etc., while the activities of the Blishcraft Association are deplored. At a rooting convened by the Federat- 4 ion in March last year “to discuss the administration of the National Park,” a subcommittee was set up to prepare a draft Bill for submission to the Minister for Lands. The draft Bill was to set out the powers and type of personnel of the Trust thought desirable for the proper administration of a National Park. Hewever,li the Journal comments, “the Federation has not to date called this committee together and we are beginning to wonder whether it can effectively do so while it refuses to disassociate itself from the Bushcraft Association.” It is pointed out too that the offic- ial organ of the Federation - “The Bushwalker” 1947, published an article by the Bushcraft Association. An interesting comment is made on Mr. Lindsay's publication “The Bushmants Handbook,” which deals (among other things) with methods of obtaining food by slaughter of bush creatures. “Members of Council were agreed,” the Journal continues, “that although many of the suggestions were impracticable, and therefore unlikely to be carried out with success, the attitude of the writer offered serious opposition to our educational campaign for the development of a conservation consciousness in the community. We therefore took the matter up with the publishers, and offered them the outline of a work dealing with Bushcraft to be prepared by members of our society. This has been received favourably by the publishers. It is anticipated that the book will be published during 1950.” The Society is working for Commonwealth control of conservation and allied affairs. The main advantage which is expected to be gained is co-ordination and unification of conservation legislation. An enormous effort will be necessary to bring about the necessary interstate conference or referendum. After this there would be reorganisation of state departments followed by control from Canberra. This would impose the usual disadvantages of inflexibility and delay, but, what is more important, it would be very difficult for interested bodies, such as the Wild Life Preservation So3iety and the S.B.W. to “get at” the authorities. Conservation is, and will remain, a matter of predominantly local interest. This is borne out by the Journal itself, which, though published by the Wild Life Preservation of Australia, devotes most of its space to N.S.W. Coming even nearer to home, about five pages are devoted to the 38,000 acres of the National Park, which is at the backdoor, and less than half a page to the 19250,000 acre Kosciusko State Park, which is 300 miles away. The first objective should be action, This is most likely to result from the pressure of interested bod- ies in the capital cities. Uniformity, where necessary, is of secondary importance. The other publication referred to above is Mr. H.A. Lindsay's “Living Monuments,li a booklet printed and distributed by the Com- monwealth Office of Education. It is priced at 9d. and will be widely read.. The main theme of the booklet is eptablished in the first chapter. It is that practical conservation must depend upon voluntary effort and that “the city dweller can take part in the work by joining a Bushwalking Club. Whether or not we agree with the views expressed we are identified with them in the minds of the readers of the booklet. It 7-) FL 3d In Chapter 2 Mr. Lindsay sets out to describe “one of the greatest tasks of the conserMtionist in Australia.” This turns out to be his old favourite - that conservationists - i e. bush- walkers - should team up with the gun clubs and go out together building nests for ducks. It is a pity that/this comparatively unimportant conservation activity should be given pride of place, and we hope that members of the S.B.W. will never help the “sportsmen” to breed up their targets. Why choose the gun clubs and the “blood sports” journals when there are so many other associations and publications which would be glad to co-operate? Mr. Lindsay's tree planting schemes and his ideas of creating a primitive area have been published in this magazine and should already be known to readers. His view on the creation of a primitive area is,in some respects, very practical - nature must be helped back - it is not enough merely to create a reserve. His chapter on re-establishing the Koala is interesting reading, and rings true, though we are not competent to judge its scientific accuracy. In the ohApter on bushfires Mr. Lindsay suggests that belts of non-inflammable,introduced trees should be planted on the main watersheds. This would require more labour and equipment that are ever likely to be available for such a purpose. Nor could it be expected that such a stupendous task would be undertaken unless it was known that it would be effective. This is a question that the Forestry Advisory Council and other interested bodies might well take up with the Forestry Department. If the experts think it feasible, experiments might be conducted to prove whether or not it was successfal. In the public mind bushwalkers will be linked with all Mr. Lindsay's proposals. For this reason they should carefully dTA- sider whOther they agreb with hi o ideas and- repl-Alate them if they dont. But though they may resent being dragged into the Lindsay orbit they must admit that he has done something that buE'hwalkers in N.S.W. have not even tried to do for the last fifteen or more years. He has written a pamphlet which will carry his ideas to a large number of thoughtful people.

At Our December Meeting

The three new members, Mary McGregor, Jim Hooper and Ray Corbett, admitted to the Club at the December meeting, must have felt that the meeting had been convened for their especial benefit. The meeting, reasonable well-attended, lasted precisely thirty-one minutes, mostly occupied with the reading of minutes and correspondence: each item on the agenda was followed by the President's hopeful (but not too hopeful) “any business arising?” and an ensuing desolate silence.

Apart from a news item by Gil Webb to the effect that the Scouts Association would welcome us as a hiring body for their new premises - when they had been completed in some five years or so - and brief announcements regarding the Kiddies' Treat, and coming social events, there was a general air of apathy.

Even the call for “General Business” almost passed without comment.

Someone, however, raised the respective merits of 0'Hares Creek vs. Sandy Bend for the swimming carnival in February. Having heard opinions from the audience - mostly concerned with bus fares ex Campbelltown and the brevity of the walking distance for O'Hares the interest flagged, and the President had to call for a motion. Someone - alarmed at the steely quiet - moved for O'Hares Creek, and the motion was adopted without further ado.

At 8.33 p m. the meeting folded up, and members retreated to corners to discuss their Christmas and New Year arrangements.

That news void that follows long week-ends used to be a heck of a worry to pressmen. Sometimes somebody important dies, and that's good for a few columns, but murderers do not stalk, nor do atomic bombs explode on holiday week-ends. There are always a crop of car accidents and drownings to fall back on, still, they're not good enough for a feature. But all that is changed now, for the pressman knows that somewhere, somehow, will be found a lost injured hiker. On Tuesday, Jan. 3rd things looked hopeless after twelve days of almost continuous holidays, but sure enough a feature materialised in the shape of “an attractive 20-year-old girl” who was carried to safety today after relays of men had forced their way through three miles of scrub and bush and then climbed two miles up a precipitous slope in the Jamieson Valley.” Half the front page of one evening paper was filled with a photograph of the girl being carried. Headings for the story filled a column and letterpress another. Another whole page inside the paper was taken up with photographs of the incident. Moral - if anything goes wrong don't tell the press - particularly if one of the girls is hurt. Query - Do they post a man at Katoomba in anticipation of these dramatic events?

Mr. E. Caines Phillips advises that the first official canoe map of the Cruising Canoe Club has now been completed and is available for inspection to those interested. The map (No. 1) is of Bowra River (Bowraville to junction with Nambucca River at Macksville). Map no 49 of the River Canoe Club is also completed. It is of the Nambucca River (South or Taylor's Arm)(Burrapine to Macksville)


Here for a span of three short days was home, those few square yards of canvas, and some cord ta-t-)ned by casual sticks and metal pins, the ,11,-th itself our an2bor0 Here we lived, tramped the bush tracks, prepared prodigious meals, pursued our pleasant necessary tasks, ate, drank, were merry; and when evening came stretched limbs well-ipefiried to the friendly fire, and warmed our hearts in kindly comradeship. Now, we doprt; and on the springing turf scarce lingers yet the ty.,print of our bed. Only a wisp of fern, so7o_e blackened stones remain, rute witness to our sojourn here, and in the sunlit silence blue wren flits, prospecting with his little broll-nie wife for 'coorsels hidden from the human glance.

There have been conquerors who swept the earth, and men acclaimed them but the embittered soil brought forth no harvest where their feet had passed, and the torn hills might wait two decades long before the deep woods clothed their flanks again.

Paltry ambition this, and negative, but fame enough when we pack up at last our bivouac of threescore -years and ten, sufficient if we leave no hurt to mar earth's face or man's, but only, where we lived may there be sunlight, and such sense of peace that wanderers who come upon the place, pause and say: “Someone was happy here.”

Newnes Glen Davis Mt Uraterer to Capertee Mt. and Glen Alice

by “Cerberus”

Note. Photographs illustrating this trip appeared in the December issue of the Sydney Bushwalker,

Old Newnes shale works were being pulled down, the bricks had been sold for 100 and were being cleaned and carted away. Two big chimneys had been blasted down and the third was to go on Tuesday. The red bricks had weathered into the scenery of the valley, quite unlike the aluminium painted tanks, pipes and stacks of Glen Davis, which glitter astride the Capertee Valley. Wattle wap in full bloom among the ruins which will soon be no more than a rubble of mortar.

We followed the pipeline across to Glen Davis. We passed the tin shacks of the coal and shale miners (the man at the works complained that miners did not stay long at Glen Davis), the blno evil smelling swill from the retorts dumped by the roadside on the way to the coal mine in Running Stream Creek.

A few miles down from Running Stream Creek, crossing two substantial valleys coming in on the right, we came to the first in the cliffs on the north side of the Capertee - Grassy Mountain. It isn't grassy at all, unless you look very closely, but :LI; is good basalt soil and stones coming right down to the banks of the river. The basalt holds most of the way up, but at the top there is some easily passed sandstone. The course from the top is north by compass, and we only ran off our ridge into one valley on the left - fortunately it had some water in it. We eventually cane to a hill just west of Green Mt. and could see Mt. Uraterer and Gosper's Knob. Just below this we found a good track and followed it right to the mountain. Along here were more woody pear trees - we had seen the first along some most beautiful Callitris along the Capertee - indeed all the ridges seemed to have a plentiful sprinkling of them, some of them very good specimens, and many of them with a liberal sprinkling of pears. The small woody pear bushes had vivid red glowing tips.

Mt. Uraterer has been cleared of trees and is grassy. Cattle and horses were grazing and there were some stockyards between the mountain and Gosper's Knob-. We lunched right at the top with view all round us. One of the best views I have seen, a view of mountains, not of valleys. Mt. Coricudgy stood to the north like a great crocodile's head. The pyramid of Tyan Pic stood out better than anything else, but Dunn's Mt. and Mt. Capertee y as well as a dozen others, were also prominent. One of OUP more immediate objectives, Mt. Boonbourwa, did not stand out at all since it was in front of other higher mountains. Its- no use trying to pronounce Mt. Uraterer from just reading the name, but 'something like Ura torra might get you by. of 77. North of Mt. Uraterer there are a number of ridges, nom0 them quite long. There is at least Prickly Ridge, Thorny Ridge and Mountain Holly Ridge. All of them except one leads into a deep gorge. We saw exactly the same woody pear on nearly all of them. The formula for getting on the right one can, only be applied after walking along wrong ones for at least a day. You come to a point, which the Leader can define for you in terms of compass bearings on Mt. Uraterer and Tyan Pic dimly glimpsed through the trees. From this most precisely defined point you cross a deep gully, find that the ridge is tending too far to the west and in any case comes to a steep saddle, become disgusted, cross back over the same gully, now much deeper, on to the missing ridge. It has a track on it, very faint but very reassuring.

A mile or two before Davis's Hole the track leads down a gently sloping creek bed on the right to an old ,tpring which must have been a regular watering point in the days when the track was reg111nri y used. It would probably be difficult to find coming in the oppoite direction, since the track leading on from it was not very distinct and was difficult to pick up again. Oar Trackfindey;, however, had a method which succeeded time and again, but I am not free to divulge the nature of her secret. The Cranky One made the first damper in his life at abol:,c;his stage and it was quite surprising how good it was - at least the strictly rationed party devoured it at a gulp, carbon and all.

As might be expected with a party of such violent characters on a long walk some fundamental disagreements arose about such basic topics as standard specifications of firewood for camps. The following is suggested - length exactly five feet, straight and sound throughout, no rotten wood to be tolerated. Standard specifications for a fire. Here there can be no doubt that it must be parallel and must be a roaring mass of flame throughout its entire length. Research into the working of atomic piles, when it is published, may provide a guide to methods by which the complexion of cooks can be protected from radiation injury.

The size and arrangements of stockpiles of fuel and water. The number of times pots and utensils must be cleaned during each meal period with water of standard temperature and soapiness and with precisely defined scourers.

The gathering of bracken for those who wouldn't under any circUmstances gather it for themselves. It must be clear, however, that issues with regard to none of these topics can be satisfactorily resolved until some outstanding philosopher is prepared to write theses on the following subjects. 8. (1) The nature and limitations of a food list, and (2) Why co-operation in camp arrangements necessarily doubles the work of each co-operator and imposes a reginenJe tio,e which would not be tolerated during the ordinary working da4, a Until these theses have been written and the conclusions der- ived from them duly incorporated Into the general rules of the Club there is only one safe procedure which might be followed, and that is to select a portion of the bush in which there is no chance of meeting anyone at all and walk alone as a compLe-oely self-contained unit. Davis's Hole was one of the most interesting features of the country which we saw. It is a crater-like depression with b9saltle formations visible at the bottom of it and an outle': through a narrow canyon; a high range of hills almost completely enclreles We would have liked to go down to the bottom of it but we hc,;,-i ]cs time on the approaching ridges and had '3o ny. About this time the Cranky One was mislaj0 pau ijoy the scenery and the rest of the party rushed ec., -eine t-?ck was not sufficiently defined to follow a delicae reeicii on e;:eee, The C.O. feeling secure in the knowledge that he ,;ws- caxEryin major portion of the food supply applied the well-known r:2:=nciele of staying put3 retired to the highest piece of gPound nearby, atan orange and made himself comfortable. The R.O,P. came to a halt about a mile or so around the crater and proceederi blvrn green gum leaves at a great rate. Unfortunately a fairly 1-,f_zh wind carried the smoke away behind the hill and the Lo s'3 One never saw it. In the meantime the Leader retraced steps and eventually came idpon the L.O. Everything had worked according to the rules.

On past Davists the track was in use and was well-defined. It was along the tops which were either bare or only sparsely covered with trees; the views were magnificent. In this area, and for that matter for most of the rest of the trip doon to Glen Alice,nearly all the valleys were of a characteristic formation, the ridges ending in a series of beehive shaped rocks. Such experience as we had suggested that most of them would be negotiable up or down the spaces between the beehives. On the top of Boonbourwa we found that our compasses varied depending on the height above the rocks, suggesting that some caut- ion 'might be necessary in taking bearings around here. At tho Ovens the Trackfinder, possible again using a_ secret weapon, saw two foxes, a wombat, six wallabies and sundry rabbits. The C.O. saw a dead horse, but did not employ any secret weapon in making the discovery. Weariness or laziness prevented us from either following the tops along from here or from climbing Coricudgy. We followed the road along the Cudgegong River until we came to a house at the foot of Native Dog Hill with Mt. Bin Ben well back on the left. From here we headed straight for Capertee Mt0 along relatively flat country, part of the way through a beautiful forest of scribbly gums. We were supposed to find a track leading from Capertee Mt. down to what was shown on the Map as Umbiella Ck. About Umbiella Ck. Forget it altogether or else you will be led into a lot of trouble as we nearly were since we had arranged for a car to meet us along it. The creek is Capertee Nile Right Arm, and if you call it anything else the local inhabitants won't know what you are talking about. Capertee Mt0 is like most of the other mountains we climbed in the district - sandstone well up with a capping of basalt.

There are magnificent trees on the basalt country right up to the very highest point. Boronia was growing on the dry sandstone edges,forming some delightfully colourful masses. It was surprising to find orchids so far west, but the sandstone edges of the mountain facing the north-east were covered with masses of rocklililes and liparis; dendrobium striolatum seemed to be everywhere, but was of a different form to that found around the Grose, having bigger and slightly different flowers. We spent a whole day looking for the track down to the Cay,olae Nile. We found dozens of tracks, some of them very good 011GS indeed, leading around the mountain and up on to it, but none of them led away from it. We know where the track is now, but try as we could we couldn't find it then. Perhaps the next section should not be written; it certainly cannot be written adequately'. We headed down into a gully. Unfortunately, although we thought ourselves lucky at the time, the final drop was fairly easl y made and we entered upon a course of thorny vines of all the worst varieties (except blackberries) that I have ever met, interspersed with giant nettles, all lacing together the fallen trees of the last generation. Have you ever seen the nettles which tower up over you and droop down and dangle in your face? The average height of the mess was from ten to fifteen feet. The language used was much as might be expected, but even with doubling and redoubling the emphasis was often felt to be inadequate, and there were many even more expressive silences.

The leader ocasionally took to the wombat burrows, and in happier circumstances it would have been amusing watching him disappear down a hole in the ground dragging his pack after him. Lower down there were some magnificent tree ferns and near the beginning was the biggest cedar I have ever seen - there?d probably be a fortune in it, but it would have to come out by a helicopter. We came out on to river fiats covered with wattles, all a blaze of colour.

The next day nobody wanted to do anything except the C.0. With restless vigour he decided to explore the way cip Tyan Pic from the Capertee Nile Right Arm side. Although the exploration was successful too much time was wasted to make at least that was his story and I have no reaon to

Now What Are You Really Looking For ?

by A.L. Wyborn

Have you ever noticed how a few small names on a map can be the start of a new adventure in walking? Ofen buobwaleP.,; pore over maps and then take a chance on a certain area n:f6 kr,c-wn cffrLe. , walkers. The fossicking round for information so-f-cimes '.;() quite surprising discoveries, and sometimes 2a to a dead end. We could get very little “gen” about Bajiol,a, S-oiranco, so decided to take a risk and go and see for 31,1.1.:1-J.As LLiuri e pointed out before we went, the nividing Range and Glen Innes could not be so spectacillar, a oi each sLde cf country about.30000 feet, thus leaving only a Y.:C.5e of th:,.,12and feet to the tops of 5,000 feet. MN rOtrfELD 471 SUNGULLA

Z TER ' 'q 0 '- 13”) MAN '2 -.::-..0 ::: ,14. tt t ”.: &issER , DEE _.s: …..

However the uncertainty only served to ar'.G as a spr, so En,;tr Thursday found us on the Brisbane Exprs, bonc. ;:e-o two stations bePore Tenterfiold, Tjla iic i before. Fiat, was to have been our starir, Bluff-Rock changed our plan, rf e.actoI Ro-2z lc 31e50 to i;:,?P- rail- way line with the usual t145 of bluff face, and to easily from the back. Many years'ne realciti,ant blacks were driven off the granite Bluff to Lher Another interesting rk is Th1).nderbolt Rock, jixt alongside the railway track abol_pl cac quarter of a mile past Bluff Rock station. Although only aout 30 it by 20 feet in s1.2.e the celebrated bushranger used it to dodge back from the pursuing troopers. While making a few phone calls to recommended “authoritieson the distic,ict, we me',; burly Reg Irlam, the fettling ganger. 'With his huge hairy arms, unshaven face, small eyes and red hair, he was coun:;e'ipart of Dobell7a “Billy Boy.” After being filled with m'2.1._k, an Tc3ceptig fresh butter and eggs that were literally thrust upon us by olTr friend we started or tough trip - on RegAs motor tricle down the line for several m4.1es0 The rucsacs and I were on the outrigger board *Jim in front of Reg (the driver), and Laurie behind hiii making an unusual load for A railway trike. It was tough going, there 'Doing no windshield! More nebulous advice from a fai,mer friend fRegis and we wero off, under our own power this time, ror the main range about six miles to the east. The range is not; parulaly to approach, as mentioned before, and the tc–)s covered with heavy timber which shields many good panoraE,as :nor,: the walker. On the way across we skirted an isolated hill and were impeded to some extent by many six foot dingo fonces made in two heights of wire netting. The top height was flimsily secured by battens to the sturdy ground posts, and caused some amusement as we swayea back and forth to get over. Jondol was our first mountain, a granite out,crop with views back along the Cottesbrook Creek to Bluff Rock. We camped in a small saddle with clear water at about 4,500 feet, one mile south along the range from Jondol. , The walking next morning was very much up and down ridges, but quite pleasant among open forest lands and grassy tops. Such a top was Coolamangera, where the gums rose well over one hundred feet. Another half mile and we were stopped by a gorge about 800 feet deep, which necessitated a wide okLr'Gir,g movemen t tc the east Each of several tops we then climbed was upi-,inAlsicelly Mug nt to be Bajimba, but this we did not reach ti1 13111, and wac no mistaking its unique trig0 post with a 3,1aa) froe alaar usual disc. It was a fitting spot for lunL;1'– hogh a (f,y one, as the views were very good over wide level dfid clouds hung in the sky. One of the best glimpt 9 was our nert o '3tive - 12-;.g pirabo 1441 framed through a gap in tall-ceb calyptJ ; that had_obviouTJly been cut by surveyors to take s sight on the peak. Going down from Bajimba on hO easteT,n de ef t”.,19 we passed through thick !jungle flora, one,. pc yf another nice view of Big Spi:c,abo tfitst1in !:h:,h 1-pilcac; also, about one mile to the north of At the bottom, amid cool f.:_lrn2 we fron :he clear Five Bull Creek, and =-;:-) road, which e later learned. led a f=r7 -pileo east. We did not follow the road for lcr4s Spirabo early next morning, so we clibe,7, an (JJ!1 gully about 500. ferA tc-) between Big and Littb in a trtkF-t_ ensured a comfortable OEJ-0) We had to wait ;()Illa nT'1“ Tz.11:1_ng for ? to lift, thus making the ollmt, of BIg ,.r:rlil-), orao the most spectacular pa.:,A of th.=. a, ifC16 I tO cc,02.:y on top ensured panoramic view9 Bi l'h-uLc rloaf C:a was plainly visible 60 miles to the while to he ea sG Ecoky River and Clarence River valley:: 3p-aved as a 3C,C.:-; :13 ragged gorges stretching to the coast n,-; m!lse dJ.s tant '1'h9 we proposed to climb was Capoompei7a, brIt ib did not Lock so spectacular from Big Spirabo, so we decided very little wou2.71 be lost if we did not have time for it up here too, we found trace 2 of 1i-1:10c-tone in the form of perfectly preserved sea shells, both loo-,;e and :libed–led in rocks. The range is remarkable for its hypes of rocks. Jondol was granite, Bajimba volcanic ,and now limestone. Down from the peak we broke camp and descended a ridge to the op-en Morven Creek. We surprised a black-brushed red fox which went streaking away across the swamp land. Large red-son anftills dotted the flat until we stopped for lunch near a little farmhouse nestling on the hillside. Here much to our disgust, a young flamer was just completing the ringbarking of a huge peppermint eucalypt because - “the roots are stopping the grass from growing” - and thus destroyed one ofthe few good hode trees available for his cattle in summer. Clem got hold of the axe while still embeoled in the tree, and, quick as a flash, I had his photo for future propaganda purposes. We learned from the farmer that 'Big Speriby” is 5008 fet high, that further down the crook are big waterfalls and good red cedars, and that Capoompeta is known locally as the “Magistrate.” Taking a rough road from here we crossed back over to the western side of the Great Divide toward Deepwater River. Tvi, miles from the river, as evening was drawing in o shopped a car r=ing towards Its, and who should it be but Mr. A. Cox, an old I had been referred to as an expert on the eistii He nad just returned from the Royal Show, and not having heard of us:, looked a little scared at being stopped on such a lonely road by three tranp-like specimens, as I 3 er thought we must have appeared. He was definitely an author. on the surrounding co=tz,y, and did be' let us know it! He ridicul ur tale about llmestone and pliocee.

to give us a treatise about 26 different species of ira;ILhe. To Laurie/s demurrers he replied, 'lLad, you know nothinr, obollt geology,“ Gradually we pieced together the reasons for his ;17spn,s' of as. Maps he had just obtained from the Lands Departm- -jIlay Yrieed he was trying to lease a certain area of land Deh:'.7c d “816 F'Pej:iby” where one could look up to sloes covered in huge ti-Lt,evs “like a Spanish castle,” Apparently it was such an obsession -with him at the time that he thought we were after It too Much other land he owned in the distrie ared on it ran Black Poll cattle. Amongst them was the hbes.Ela-AA: Poll-in the world, a sister to a champion bull in Chicag, Times wei'e now good, but tax was so bad he had out down prer len by f:fty cent. He left us happily9 quite convinDed about everything,” but also that We 0,16 .J-41s That night we camped cn Deeowate- flivc.. a few miles along the unin1;erestin road we cEi e 1,)!,ry into Deepwater, which was in the midst of barren fiat oeunbry. With hours to wait for the bus to Glen innes, 26 miles away, we decided to go by private car, and it was only a few miles along the road before Laurie boarded a modern sedan, while Clem and I had to be content with the back of a utility. However this lift gave us nice time to look around Glen Innes in brilliant sunshine, and see the autumn tints of the many exotic trees.

The end of the trip had turned but very easy. We had found what we were looking for and added another area of New South Wales to our knowledge, even though it was relatively unspectacular.

Ode to the Commisioner of Railways

Dear Mr. Railway Commissioner,
I see by this morning's Gazette, That the start of my doom is approaching, VII soon be one with the dead. For you in your wrath have decreed That “Week-end Returns” are abolilled. No thought for the weary and ovenaue mite, His hopes of a “ride youYe d_erlhed. If in the fdte f.'(-,r a ticko I It wont be for a l'Seoi)nd C1a6H Si;an4ing,” “A fare and a third” will be the pap soord To ride on the first class lan:ding.

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