20/01/2018 - report - photos - Coachwood Canyon track notes - Rocky Creek Canyon track notes - Twister Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Jon Bell, Ross Jamieson, Kavita Joshi, David Carmichael, Patrick Lorrimer, Damon De Costa
Rachel on the first big abseil
The big waterfall
Jon on a hand-over-hand
Kavita abseiling
The second stage of the abseil
Jon doing the exposed traverse instead
Damon on the third abseil
Lower down in the chamber
Kavita just lying around!
Rachel on the final abseil
Kavita just lying around again!
Kavita in Rocky Creek Canyon
Wading and swimming in Rocky Creek
Ross, Patrick and Kavita
Jon keeping his technology above water
Damon and Kavita
Light at the end of the tunnel
Jon jumping
Jon again
Kavita sliding
Kavita and Jon ... ballroom dancing?
Swimming up to the Washing Machine
What's Jon finding so funny? Oh, he's blocking up all the water with his bottom ...
... in order to dump it on the next people!
Near the top of Rocky Creek
Still being hot, we decide to reverse Twister - Ross climbing up
Damon on the tree roots
Ian climbing
One of many little slides to climb up in Twister
Alan does the big jump
More slide reversing
Camp at Barcoo Swamp