07-08/01/2017 - photos - Heart Attack Canyon track notes - Surefire Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith, Antoniya Bachvarova, Chris Arnison
Cliffs of Heart Attack Brook, with Surefire Brook beyond
Smiffy hand-over-handing into a small side canyon
Rachel and Chris in the side canyon
Toni emerging from a boulder blockup
The big chockstone just downstream from the start of the canyon
The photographers prepare!
Chris abseiling the big drop
Toni abseiling
Rachel on the abseil
Chris in the canyon
Impressive canyon
Deep in the canyon
Chris on the awkward hand-over-hand
Chris gets set for the tricky abseil...
...but decides that the approach from that side is not a goer!
Smiffy abseiling
Chris checking out Toni's style
Toni on another awkward downclimb
Narrow canyon
Campsite in what is otherwise a very scrubby area!
Looking down one of the drilling holes - it is very deep!
Smiffy looking for a way through the cliffs above Surefire Canyon
Smiffy on the first abseil
Chris and Smiffy above a short scramble
Toni on the next abseil
Smiffy on the third abseil
Rachel on the second abseil
Rachel on the third abseil
Rachel scrambling
Rachel bridging
Chris on the fourth abseil
Toni on the last drop
Chris emerges from the wade/swim
Chris and Toni checking out the Eastern Brown Snake in the alcove
Lunch cave
Rachel balancing