21-22/12/2016 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Car camping on the ridge on the day prior to the trip
The creek walls start to close in
Impressively high walls of the gorge
Looking down the canyon
Rachel on a short abseil
Another abseil a little further down
Setting up for another abseil in the deep gorge
Rachel on the abseil, into probably the best canyon section (not saying much!)
After lunch we head downstream and try to climb out up a side creek, but hit this waterfall
Instead we find a nearby steep gully and cilmb that to get through the first cliffline
Further up the ridge, after a few more smaller clifflines
One final cliffline awaits, and unfortunately a recent rockfall means that it end in an overhang!
On top of the ridge, looking down the major valley
Views of cliffs across the valley
Cliffs and crags
Ridge top campsite
Gloomy morning
Last views of the valley before we head up the ridge
Rachel in a pagoda complex
Open ridge top
Dipodium punctatum (Hyacinth Orchid)