20/11/2016 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Clare Williams, Stanley Wong
Heading along the cliffline to the creek
Lovely ferns
Clare on our first abseil
Clare on the next drop - the top part of Macquarie Falls
Mel, in our second party, on that same drop
Rachel at the top of the third drop
Clare on the lower part of Macquarie Falls, the longest abseil @ 34m
The other party abseiling behind us
The lower drop of Macquarie Falls
Rachel at Clover Falls
Rachel abseiling Clover Falls
Stanley at Clover Falls
Clare abseiling the falls
Mel abseiling Clover Falls
Pretty creek walking
Clare abseiling into the lower section of canyon, below the causeway
Rachel on the next little drop
The party behind abseiling - looking up one of the most canyonlike sections of creek
Clare jumping
More lovely creek walking
Rachel on the next abseil
Rachel on the final abseil, into another slot section
Clare checking out the drop
Mel belaying Simon
Srini and Rich scrambling near the end
Simon jumping, Rich scrambling high
Rich goes for a slide
Srini jumps
So does Rich!
Mel showing good form!