22/10/2016 - report - photos - Better Offer Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Jon Bell, Srinivas Gowda, Paul O'Callaghan, Alladdin Bajwa, Jenny Lian, Viviana Flores
Photographing the waratahs - there were plenty of these out on the ridge on the walk in
Waratahs (Telopea speciosissima)
Heading in on the ridge above the Grose Valley
Srini on the first abseil
Scrambling down the creek
Rachel on the second abseil
Rachel belaying Srini
The party below the abseil - Srini, Alladdin, Viviana, Paul, Jon, Jenny, Rachel
Canyon formation
Viviana on the next abseil
Paul looking dubiously at the water depth (it's more than waist deep!)
Alladdin on the next abseil
Jon on the same abseil
Rachel on the big drop
Srini and Jon watching
Rachel belaying Srini
Grose Valley views
Hakea sp.
Approaching Birrabang Brook
Alladdin looking down into Birrabang Brook
Jenny climbing out
Stop at the lookout above the exit
Heading back up the ridge
Rachel and I head off to meet Rich and Mel, and camp. Mel and Rachel enjoying the warming fire.