09/11/2014 - photos - Claustral Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Jonathan Smith, Angie Reeve, Patrick Timm
Johnno on the first climb down/jump in
Pat on the first abseil
Ange on the abseil
Looking down the second abseil
Walls in the Black Hole
Canyon formation
Looking up the third abseil
Pat in a pot(hole)
We rescued this chilly fella from inside the Black Hole
Ange and Johnno
Pat carried him out of the Black Hole on a stick (though he wasn't happy - the lizard that is!)
Not looking too lively
Rich and Mel arrive via Ranon at the Claustral junction while we are rescuing the lizard
Rich in the hole
I almost put my hand on this bloke!
Tree frog (probably Blue Mountains Tree Frog, Litoria citropa)
Close up
Uh oh! The water dragon has perked up and is looking peckish...
Rich log walking
The long standing log
Rich and Mel
More ferns
Mel and Rich in the ferny constriction
Thunder junction
Johnno on the first climbdown
Rich ready to catch Mel!
Starting the Tunnel Swim
The Tunnel
Looking back up canyon from above the second climbdown
Rich jumps the climbdown
Johnno and Rich climbing up Rainbow Ravine
Back in Claustral Brook after crossing the Camels Hump, Ange descending tree roots
Johnno edging past a pool
Mel and Rich - honey bridging?
Johnno looking to avoid the swim
Pat and Ange bridging
Pat does some fancy footwork...
...while Ange opts for the swim
OK, this is starting to look precarious...
Bypassing the final swim
Climbing out the little side canyon
Looking across the Carmarthen Labyrinth
Rich, Pat, Johnno and Ange