18-21/04/2014 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Caoimhin Ardren, Richard Pattison, Melissa Thomas, Ruby Gamble
For the previous three Easters we have done an extended trip into the Coorongooba-Numietta area, and this Easter was no exception. The plan was to revisit a few impressive canyons while investigating some new creeks for canyon.
- Day 1 - Caoimhin, Ruby, Rachel and I set off down a short but pretty canyon, and then continue down the creek for lunch. After lunch, we head up another creek, checking out side creeks for canyons, one of which is quite good. As it gets dark, we descend another creek aiming to meet Rich and Mel - that turns into canyon!
- Day 2 - we explore two creeks near our camp, one of which is an excellent canyon. After crossing over a ridge to another creek system, we head down a fairly poor canyon, before aiming to exit up another creek which turns into an impressive canyon. We climb out and explore it from the top, before camping in a large camp cave.
- Day 3 - we get an early start and climb up on to a ridge where we leave packs, and descend a long and beautiful canyon that some of us have visited before, including some of its tributaries. After lunch we walk back to the packs, and in the afternoon descend another canyon to a campsite on a larger creek.
- Day 4 - Rich and Mel head off early to do an extra canyon, while the rest of us exit up a long and spectacular canyon, before walking out to the cars.