04-05/01/2014 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Gill Fowler, Caoimhin Ardren, Richard Pattison, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith, Antoniya Bachvarova, Sue Bucknell
Being my birthday, and that time of year, a group of us head off down the Wolgan to do some new canyons. Sue and Rich are already camped down there, so the rest of us walk down on Saturday morning to meet them.
Day 1 - Caoimhin is out as he has injured his shoulder, and Rich is off exploring, but the rest of us climb a pass and then bash around the slopes until we find the start of the canyon. This is a good canyon with a fairly long constriction and some slides and jumps, which Smiffy makes the most of. Surprisingly, Rich and Caoimhin have both scrambled up into the bottom of the canyon when we finish, Rich with a Thomas the Tank Engine cake that has been sitting in his car for over two weeks at temps of over 50°C! What is most scary is that it was still edible!
Afterwards we head down to a nice campsite for happy hour, which turns into dinner (and drinks of course!). The highlight is Smiffy and Toni's prawn canapes.
Day 2 - Sue has to sit this one out as well, as she has a nasty leg infection from being out in the bush for two weeks. Leaving packs, we climb up a ridge and into the bottom section of a nearby canyon. While we explore, Rich climbs up an exposed pass and drops down some ropes. The canyon is over the ridge, and while short is very spectacular. The upper section requires a bit of engineering to get the rope to pull, while the the lower section starts with a massive abseil into a deep slot. Being the Wolgan, the end of the day requires a boring fire trail bash back to the cars, but an excellent weekend of canyoning with friends.