30/11-01/12/2013 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay
Rachel also has photos and a report from this trip
Rachel climbing the pagoda to the pass
Looking back down Zobels Gully
Rachel on the first abseil in the side canyon
Avoiding another abseil via a high traverse
The start of Hartleys Mistake Canyon - we abseiled, though it did look possible to do a slightly dubious climb down through the boulders
Rachel in the canyon
Rachel at the top of the second abseil
Looking down the canyon
Rachel at the top of the abseil
Rachel abseiling
Rachel in the canyon
Rachel scrambling
Canyon formation
Rachel in the canyon
Canyon formation
Side canyon
Below the side canyon, the canyon widens
Rachel at the second side canyon
In the side canyon
Rachel in the side canyon - this was as high as we climbed up it
Rachel in the side canyon
Canyon formation in the side canyon
The side canyon
Rachel in Deanes Creek
Our great little campsite in Deanes Creek - right next to a clearing so we had a good supply of decent wood
The next day, the view from the top of the pass
Rachel early on in the next canyon. There was plenty of fallen timber and the like to negotiate
Rachel in the canyon
Rachel on the first abseil
Rachel takes a little slip climbing down the next drop - but luckily manages to catch herself
Trying to stay dry(ish!)
Rachel on our second abseil
Rachel in the canyon
The canyon widens a little
Rachel on the chockstone abseil
More debris to negotiate
Rachel in the canyon
To bastardise Kermit, it's easy bein' green!
Looking down the next drop
Rachel on the fourth abseil
Ta da! Or perhaps Rachel's just balancing herself against the tree...
Crossing a log in Deanes Creek
Creek walking in Deanes Creek
A lovely end to the day - walking back to the car along the old railway alignment