02/11/2013 - photos - Bungonia Creek Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith, Antoniya Bachvarova, Sue Bucknell, Martin Roberts, Marese Murray, Chris Arnison
Rachel and Smiffy also have photos from this trip
Interesting rock formation in the creek
Sue and Toni doing a bit of climbing to stay dry
There's always one!
Rachel on the first abseil
Sue swimming, Smiffy abseiling
Smiffy watching Marese abseiling
Smiffy jumping
Rachel jumping the next drop
Marese jumping
Toni jumping
The clown has lost his nose?!
Martin scrambling down the big falls
Rachel abseiling
Jerrara Falls and the pool below the falls
Rachel on the next abseil
Rachel in a big pool!
Sue abseiling, while Martin goes looking for a way around without getting wet
Toni and Chris swimming