09/03/2013 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Richard Pattison, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith
Rachel and Smiffy also have photos from this trip
Rich enjoying views from the pass
Climbing through an overhang on the pass
Rachel climbing one of the exposed sections
Rachel on the final pitch
Panoramic views of the Capertee Valley
Looking down the valley to Mt Gundangaroo
Rich abseiling into the mild upper section of canyon
Smiffy abseiling
Smiffy above a small fall
Rachel on the second abseil
Smiffy trying to avoid a swim (he succeeds)
Side canyon
Rich trying to reverse the side canyon (the log doesn't work, but he is able to climb up elsewhere)
Looking down the next drop - to avoid the swim we instead do two short abseils from a ledge
The waterfall from the bottom
Smiffy on the last abseil in the upper section
Rich stopping Rachel from swinging back under the waterfall
Looking up the canyon
There is a fair walk down the creek to the next section of canyon
The creek begins to drop...
...before reaching this impressive view down the canyon!
Smiffy on the first abseil in the lower section
Rich trying hard to avoid swinging into the falls - there was a considerable amount of water despite there being no rain for a week
Rachel at the bottom of the falls
Rachel on the next drop
Rich on the abseil
Rich swimming after the drop
Smiffy standing at the top of the next drop
The canyon continues
Smiffy on another exciting waterfall abseil
Smiffy watching Rachel abseil
The next little drop
Rich swimming the pool - I have seen other pictures of this pool with the water almost 2m lower!
Smiffy on the next abseil
Rachel on the final abseil in the canyon proper
Rich on the final abseil
Rather than walking around on a ledge, we do one more abseil down a large waterfall - Smiffy checking out the drop
Rachel on the abseil
Back at camp, afternoon light on the cliffs