04/12/2011 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Caoimhin Ardren, Gemma Collett
Rachel abseiling into Govetts Creek
Rachel and Gemma wading
Caoimhin on a ledge
Ominous looking clouds gather
Rachel near the start of the canyon
Caoimhin on the abseil out of the hole
Rachel at the bottom of the falls
Rachel and Caoimhin
Caoimhin and Gemma
Gemma and Rachel
Caoimhin jumping
Scrambling along ledges
Caoimhin, Gemma and Rachel
We used rope to get down in a couple of places as the water flow was quite strong
Rachel on a short drop
Rachel below the final waterfall in the canyon
Looking down Govetts Creek below the canyon
Gemma on the second pitch of the climb
Rachel on the third pitch
Caoimhin wading the pool in Alpheus Canyon
Gemma in the pool
Gemma climbing out of Alpheus Canyon
The impressive cairn on the cliff edge
Looking straight down at the falls from the cairn
Rachel, Caoimhin and Gemma on the cold, wet tops. The temperature was 9 degrees when we got back to the car
A final view down Govetts Creek as the clouds continue to descend!