21/08/2011 - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith, Kim Fuller
Smiffy also has photos from this trip
Rachel, Kim and Smiffy on the fire trail on the way in
Looking down our first canyon - quite narrow!
Rachel and Smiffy scrambling into the canyon
Kim descending the slot
Rachel on the first abseil
Kim watching Smiffy abseil
Rachel trying to avoid wet feet
Smiffy and Kim
Smiffy and Kim
Rachel bridging
Smiffy and Kim
Smiffy bridging
Tom on the final abseil out of the canyon
Rachel on the abseil
Scrambling around under the cliffs to get to...
...our exit gully
Rachel scrambling in the exit gully
Smiffy and Kim
At our lunch spot, Smiffy on a pinnacle
We drive down the road and head off to our second canyon. This is the bottom end of the canyon
Entry is via this interesting side slot
Looking down the canyon
Kim and Rachel admiring one of the acoustic chambers
Kim and Smiffy
Acoustic chamber
Kim, Rachel and Smiffy
Rachel sidling to avoid a wade
Smiffy photographing Kim sidling