23-24/07/2011 - report - photos - Long Gully Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Richard Pattison, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith, Neil Soutar, Sue Bucknell
- Day 1 - we abseiled down Long Gully Canyon. After lunch at the Shoalhaven we spent the afternoon exploring the bottom of Spring Creek Canyon and Blockup Gorge. Rich got several gold stars as leader for walking in individual apple crumbles and custard for dessert.
- Day 2 - the river was still up too much to cross to Fordham Canyon. Instead, we walked along the Shoalhaven and then up a steep ridge to Mt Ayre. After lunch, we dropped down across Becks Gully and back up to the cars at the Stan Jones car park. Neil had left his lights on (again!) and we had to get the ranger to help start his car.
Smiffy also has photos from this trip