06/03/2011 - photos - Bell Creek Canyon track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Neil Soutar, Jim Close, Andrew Vilder
Neil descending into Du Faur Creek
Scrambling out of Du Faur Creek
Little Bell Canyon
Neil descending into Little Bell Canyon
Little Bell Canyon
Little Bell Canyon
Little Bell Canyon
Put down the knife, Andrew! Life's not that bad! - Andrew doing a DIY job to stop himself from being choked by his wetsuit.
Belfry Canyon
Andrew on the entrance to Belfry Canyon
Neil and Jim
Rachel on the log
In Belfry Canyon
Belfry Canyon
Bell Creek Canyon
Jim on a little downclimb in Bell Creek proper
Rachel, looking a little seedy!
Canyon formation
Jim with his little foot pump
Andrew, Rachel and Neil all puffing away
Andrew paddles off
Neil launches himself
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Clatterteeth (Du Faur Creek) Canyon
After lunch at the junction with Du Faur Creek, we head upstream into Clatterteeth Canyon. Neil paddling, with Jim and Rachel behind
Jim and Neil
Neil's patented lilo deflation method
Joes Canyon
In Joes Canyon
Joes Canyon
Joes Canyon