26/01/2009 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Andrew Glover, Bethany Hoye
Rachel also has photos from this trip.
Bethany abseiling the main cliff
Rachel on the second abseil into the creek
Massive boulders
Bethany scrambling a short drop
A tyre - we found another further downstream
Rachel in Govetts Creek
Rachel peeking out from the keyhole
Rachel abseiling
Glover in the keyhole
Rachel belaying
Glover abseiling
Rachel, with Glover belaying
Bethany abseiling
Walking in the canyon
An interesting scramble up
Canyon formation
Bethany - is she asleep?
Rachel scrambling a small waterfall
Canyon formation
Bethany in a waterfall
Canyon formation
Bethany and Glover
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Glover jumping the final drop
The cliffs that we intend to scale
Glover on the second pitch
Rachel on the traverse on the third pitch
Govetts Gorge
1/3/53 - who and why?
Rachel scrambling in Alpheus Canyon, Bethany about to enjoy a short swim