01-03/01/2009 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, James Yorston, Caoimhin Ardren, Naomi Yorston
We find the Wollemi Pine!
Deep Throat Canyon - Naomi on a log slide
Rachel on the first of two large abseils
James on the first abseil
Looking down the second abseil - a cold pool awaits me!
Rachel on the second abseil
Rachel near the bottom of the second abseil
Caoimhin on the second abseil - a lovely water groove behind him
An interesting slot off the Bungleboori
Another view of the slot
Tom at the top of our pass out
Bungleboori scenery
Our campsite
James, Caoimhin and Naomi - is Naomi showing off her knee protection?
Caoimhin at his chair and table
Caoimhin vs the Water Dragon - who's going to slip?
Looking down Bjelke's Mind Canyon
Naomi at the bottom of the first abseil
Canyon formation
James and Rachel at the bottom of the first abseil
Rachel belaying on the second abseil
Rachel belaying on the third abseil
Looking down the long straight canyon
James abseiling
Looking up the canyon from the fourth abseil
Canyon formation
Caoimihin in the canyon
James belaying Caoimhin on the last abseil
The three musketeers - James, Caoimhin and Tom
The party at the Bungleboori after lunch
The scrubby first abseil into Bridge Canyon
James - not impressed with the canyon?
Rachel abseiling
James belaying Naomi
James on about the fifth abseil
Rachel scrambling an awkward short drop
Rachel abseiling an overhung drop
Now the canyon is looking good - James abseiling
Naomi abseiling
Caoimhin at the bottom of the same abseil
Caoimhin making sure the bridge doesn't fall down!
Caoimhin climbing through another arch
Rachel fighting the fallen tree on abseil ten
Looking down the long drop into the hole - abseil eleven
James in the hole
Canyon formation
Walking back across the tops to camp
Caoimhin trying to stay dry at the start of Froth and Bubble Canyon
Caoimhin, Rachel and Naomi in the creek at the start of Froth and Bubble Canyon
James on the first abseil
Rachel belaying Naomi on the first abseil
Contemplating the pool - Caoimhin and Naomi
Rachel in the canyon
Rachel and Naomi - each looking at their respective partners taking photos!
Rachel and Naomi - still looking at their respective partners!
Caoimhin has all the moves
Rachel on the second abseil
Me photographing James photographing Naomi...
James and Naomi
Rachel abseiling ... blind?
James, Caoimhin and Naomi at the top of the second abseil
Canyon formation
James belaying
Rachel in the canyon
Naomi on the second abseil
Caoimhin on the second abseil
Canyon formation
Naomi and James
James bridging
Canyon formation
James in the canyon
Canyon formation
Rachel, James, Naomi and Caoimhin
Rachel, James, Naomi and ... Skippy??
Naomi walking out the bottom of the canyon