15/09/2007 - report - photos
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, James Yorston
View out over the valley
James and Rachel climbing up part of the pass
Tom about half way up the pass
Rachel on the first abseil
James on the first abseil
Canyon formation
Canyon formation
Rachel on the second abseil
Rachel at the bottom of the second abseil
Canyon formation
James at the bottom of the second abseil
Canyon formation
Tom at the top of the third abseil
Looking out from the third abseil
The third abseil
James on the third abseil
James on the third abseil
Rachel belaying James
Rachel through the keyhole
Looking up the third abseil
Ferns growing in alcoves
James and Rachel at the top of the fourth abseil
Tom on the fourth abseil
Tom on the fourth abseil
Sunset in the valley