30/09/2006 - photos - Kalang Falls track notes
Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Gill Fowler, Matt Ryan, Geoff Mattes, Dean
Geoff at the bottom of the first drop
Rachel belaying Dean
Rachel belaying, with Dean
Looking out over Thurat Spires
Second abseil
Gill belaying Rachel
Spectacular display of rock orchids
Kanangra Walls
Geoff abseiling
Matt abseiling
Dean, Gill, Geoff and Rachel
Rachel on the sixth abseil
Dean on the sixth abseil
Matt spectating, Gill abseiling
Matt and Tom
Rachel barely visible on the eighth abseil
Rock orchids (Dendrobium speciosum)
Geoff on the final abseil
Matt belaying Gill (well, stopping Gill from abseiling)