31/10/2015 - report - photos - Dalpura Canyon track notes

Participants: Tom Brennan, Jon Bell, Jo Squires, Ed Squires, Paul O'Callaghan, Jodie Dixon, Geoff Goodyer, Miriam Scarr, Rod Wales, Neil Soutar, Deborah Ng

With more than 8 participants we split into two groups, with Rod and Neil taking the second group. The forecast was not great, with showers and possible storms forecast, but we did very well with the weather, as it held off until just before we returned from our second canyon.

The waratahs were out in force as we dropped down into Dalpura Creek, and we saw hundreds of them throughout the day. Dalpura Canyon was nice, with one short abseil, and an optional slippery second abseil that we did at the end for some extra practice. The water was still chilly, and the one waist deep wade was a bit of a shock.

After morning tea at the lookout over the Grose Valley, we headed up the road to Kamarah Canyon. Conditions were quite different, with the water levels in the few pools much lower, making for some new challenges.

The wildflowers on the ridges on the way out were a delight, with lots of Irises, Isopogons, Boronias and Rush Lilies all in abundance.