02-03/02/2013 - report - photos

Participants: Tom Brennan, Rachel Grindlay, Richard Pattison, Andrew "Smiffy" Smith

The next morning, everyone asleep

Smiffy walks under a large overhang

Smiffy and Rich enjoying the views

Views from the top of our pass

Rich climbing down logs at the start of our canyon

Smiffy bridging down the second drop

Rich looking down the first abseil

Smiffy on the abseil/log slide

Smiffy on the second abseil

Rich on the abseil

Smiffy looking glum as a swim is likely

Smiffy bridging to try and avoid the swim

Rich shows how far he can stretch



Rich admiring a tall coachwood

Smiffy on a log climb

Rich doing an even wider bridge

Log climb

Rich emerging from the tunnel

Rich on a slide


Rich at a little climb down



Smiffy in the gorge section of the canyon

Smiffy admiring tall coachwoods