WARNING - this page is only to show what knot not to use.

The one-sided figure of eight bend has a few names - the in-line figure-of-eight, and the European Death Knot, which is confusing with the one-sided overhand. However, it is potentially a lot more dangerous than the one-sided overhand. Both knots have the potential to roll when weighted. However, the overhand version does not roll as far, and tightens each time it rolls. Tied with long tails (30cm+) it may roll, but not far. In contrast, the figure-of-eight version does not necessarily tighten. If not set well, it can keep rolling until the ropes separate.

At least one person is likely to have died as a result of using this knot to join two ropes for abseiling on. See

WARNING - this page is only to show what knot not to use.

Figure-8 EDK